Policy Making Process

Hi! I went for a ‘Policy Making Process’ course at NACLI today. (One of the perks of being a GRL!) I signed up for it primarily because I felt it is the duty of every Singaporean to find out how policies in our country are made, and I wanted to fulfill mine through this course. Here are some of the insights I picked up:

1) How either an external event or incident (e.g. a road accident) or an internal initiative will usually kick-start the policy-making process

2) This will lead to the ‘Formulate’ phase: where policy Officers in the respective ministries will come up with all the required data, hypothesis, analysis in order to propose a few options for the concerned Policy. Out of which – one will be chosen (nased on its costs and benefits).

3) Next, comes the implementation phase, where aspects like liaison with the various stakeholders (public, targeted audience, ministry partners, etc), communication plan, execution plan, timeline, etc will come into play.

4) Next comes the review stage to gauge and listen to public’s feedback on the concerned policy. Also, necessary enforcement and review at appropriate junctures will be necessary to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness of this policy,

After the training, I had brunch with some young charming YWLC girls at Dempsey. (T’was quite an adventure to take 106 from Buona Vista MRT to Dempsey and then trek up the hill in the rain, to the eatery. But yes, well worth it, certainly.

After a heart brunch and great conversation with good company, I made way home, with the intention of getting work done. But alas, was whisked away with my family for some grocery shopping and another round of food. My families take a liking for eating like bees to honey. 😉

Ended my night with this bit of blogging and listening to Wang Lee Hom’s amaing rendition of Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee’s ‘Getaran Jiwa’.


All Saturdays should be like this!